Did a recent storm or other unforeseen circumstances cause damage to your roof? While it seems like the first step should be to call your insurance company and file a claim, it may not be in your best interest, YET. Instead, consider dialing Nationwide Roofing.

Nationwide Roofing Will Thoroughly Inspect for Damage

When you contact Nationwide Roofing, we will inspect your roof for cosmetic damage as well as other, deeper issues such as water damage to your rafters or attic. The problem with insurance adjusters is that they are not roofing experts. Nationwide Roofing will not only provide an accurate assessment of the damage, but we will also be sure to give you the best information as well as options for how and when your roof can be repaired.

Nationwide Roofing Will Make Sure You Get the Most from Your Claim

By getting your roof inspected by a member of the Nationwide Roofing team before contacting your insurance company, you can avoid unnecessary or misfiled claims. Along with our roofing expertise, we have experience working with insurance companies and filing claims. We will be able to tell you what is or is not covered by your insurance as well as decide if the amount of damage done to your roof is even worth filing a claim over. Inappropriate filings can make your insurance rates go up and cost you more money in the long run. Getting the information right from the get-go will save you hassle and headache later.

Reaching Out to Nationwide Roofing Can Make the Process Go Smoothly

Calling your insurance company first can be a long and tedious process. From negotiating and filing claims paperwork to dealing with insurance agents, the whole ordeal can add unnecessary stress. Nationwide Roofing can provide your insurance company with the estimate for your repairs and negotiate the settlement without your involvement, leaving you to focus on other, more important things.

Insurance Companies Don’t Always Have Your Best Interest In Mind

It’s the unfortunate truth that not all insurance companies are looking out for homeowners and their best interests. Nationwide Roofing will not only ensure that all necessary repairs are being made to your roof, but we will also help you negotiate with your insurance company to make sure you’re getting the best deal. We are your ally throughout the entire process and will be upfront with you about the cost and labor needed to repair the damage to your home.

At Nationwide Roofing, we have a deep understanding of the insurance claims process. We work directly with our customers to make the process as simple as possible. Don’t wait. Enlist the reliable and experienced professionals at Nationwide Roofing. Schedule your FREE inspection today. 618-975-3340.